<aside> 🏆 Main Tracks (45k in total)
For each track, the winner will receive 5K USD for the prize and 4K USD will be distributed to the projects through quadratic voting.
<aside> 🏆 **Starkware
1st place: $4,000 USDC 2nd place: $3,000 USDC**
StarkNet Docs:** https://starkware.notion.site/Tutorials-33fe313c0fc94debab3c7721bf09ce4a
<aside> 🏆 **IPFS & Filecoin
Total Prize Pool: $12,000
Challenge Statement:** Filecoin & IPFS powers the world’s largest distributed storage network. Our challenge to hackers is good use of IPFS related technologies and/or Filecoin storage helpers for persistent storage.
Prizes & Name: Top 3: 3x $2,500 prizes for best use of IPFS & Filecoin technology Runner-ups: A selection of at least 6 projects to split a $3000 prize pool for good use of IPFS & Filecoin technology
Submission Guidelines: At a minimum submissions for prizes should include the following items,
1. Project Description - The name and summary of the project - Names/pseudonyms of team members and contact info (e.g., GitHub handle, email address, or other)
2. Link to the publicly visible source code repository - Provide comprehensive README, incl. a clear description of the work and mention of how our tech is used in the Technologies Used section of README.
3. Showcase - 2-3 minute video that presents the idea, including a brief demo that demonstrates the use of IPFS and/or Filecoin or anything that builds on top of them
Judging Criteria: Our judges grade submissions across 5 equally weighted categories,
For more judging info, please visit: https://ecosystem-wg.notion.site/Filecoin-IPFS-Hackathon-Judging-Criteria-fb29da31431c4c8da1be6c30e1d0ef82
Submissions will be rated with decimal numbers between 1 (worst) - 5 (best) per category (max score: 25) by each judge.
Learning Resource: Getting started with Filecoin & IPFS (https://www.notion.so/Getting-Started-With-IPFS-Filecoin-c00526cf97ba4087ba5c3ad5f5337a58 )
<aside> 🏆 **Polygon
Prizes distributed in USDC**
<aside> 🏆 **The Graph
Best use of existing subgraph(s) on The Graph Explorer: 1st place: $**2,000 2nd place: $500
Best new subgraph on The Graph Explorer: 1st place: $2,000 2nd place: $500
Prizes distributed in USDC